
Additional filters and email information are now only viewable when logged in with DuckID. You must login to view the expanded email!


Wondering if an email message is phishing or not? You've come to the right place!

The UO Phish Tank is a collection of suspicious email messages that have been reported to the UO Information Security Office. There are a couple kinds of messages that appear in the Phish Tank.

  • Phishing messages: These are harmful emails that target anyone, both within UO and outside. They are marked with a hook (for campus emails) or a globe (for emails outside of campus). You can view these confirmed malicious messages without logging in.
  • Safe messages (Login to view): These are examples of legitimate emails which are marked with a shield. To view messages that were reported as suspicious but are actually legitimate, please log in. Click the "Login with Duck ID" button in the upper right corner, then log in with your Duck ID and password.

Report Status (Login to View):

  • Mitigated - For when the phishing link has been added to the sinkhole
  • Unknown - When there is not enough information or there is ambiguity that prevents categorization
  • Reported - The phishing was reported but we haven't taken action. These emails are marked with an orange indicator.

If a suspicious message is already posted here, there's no need to report it. You can simply delete it.

If it's not posted here, please report it so we can check it out and consider posting it here. Please always exercise caution with all suspicious messages. Messages are displayed to date back one year.




Phishing Email/SMS (On Campus) - A hook indicates a phishing message sent within campus. These come from university-owned accounts. Be careful not to click any links or files sent by these accounts. Do not reply.

Phishing Email/SMS (In the Wild) - A hooked globe indicates a phishing message sent from an outside threat actor to campus. These are the most common phishing attempts. Avoid attachments and links, and do not reply.

Legitimate Email/SMS - A shield indicates a message that may not be inherently dangerous and is an example of a legitimate-looking email.


Please contact us with any questions regarding the emails on Phish Tank. Although you may not receive an immediate response, be assured we have received your request.